Fee Information – 2025
Summary of Fees
Fees are reviewed annually by the Iona College Council. Changes normally take effect from the beginning of Term 1. The fees for 2025 are stated below (unless stated, all figures are GST inclusive).
Attendance Dues 2025
The Attendance dues fee is payable in full at the beginning of the school year and is a Ministry of Education approved fee under the terms and conditions of our Integration Agreement.
Payment Information
Direct Debit is the preferred payment option. To settle your College accounts by Direct Debit, please download the form here or contact our finance team on ext 205 or email Accounts to obtain the required documentation.
Fees are payable one term in advance to the College's Proprietors and should be paid on receipt of the statement sent at the start of each term. The College Council (Proprietor) is willing to consider reasonable requests for more flexible fee payment arrangements which might be helpful to some families.
It is the constant concern of the Iona College Council to minimise increases in costs while at the same time honouring their commitment to providing the highest quality of education.
Daygirls’ Midday Meals
At Iona, the sharing of the midday meal around a table by day girls and boarders acts as a unifier, and the dining room is a place of community. This event is also an important aspect in maintaining the Special Character of Iona, and for this reason, all day girls participate. In addition to the provision of a delicious and nutritious lunch with multiple choices, the cost of day girl lunches also provides fresh fruit at morning tea and freshly baked biscuits, slices, cakes or fruit for afternoon tea and special events such as Christmas Dinner. All dietary requirements are catered for.
Special Character Donation and Building Works Contribution
The Special Character contribution, set and collected by the Proprietors, some of which is passed on to the Board of Trustees to enable them to provide additional service and enhancements (not provided by state schools) which directly benefit our students.
Our Special Character provides for:
The Building Works contribution is collected by the Proprietors and provides for:
Parents may include these in a claim for tax credits from the Inland Revenue Department. A receipt is issued for donations paid on an annual basis in April for the previous tax year (April – March).
Reduction for Sisters
Where one parent or guardian is paying for two or more sisters who are students at the same time, a discount of 5% will apply and will be deducted from the standard fee content (not meals, medical charges and similar costs) at the time the account is rendered by the College Council (Proprietor).
Personal Disbursements
Parents will receive a monthly account for their daughter’s personal expenses, e.g. stationery, additional resource books, admission charges for extra-curricular trips, bus/taxi fares and drycleaning.
A doctor/nurse practitioner visits the school twice a week and a nurse is available 8.00am - 12.00pm Monday - Friday during term time. Charges for this service will be placed on your account.
Parents and Friends Contribution
The College collects on behalf of the Parents and Friends Association a subscription from the parents of all students which entitles the parents to become members of the Parents and Friends Association. This annual charge of $25.00 occurs for the duration of the student’s time at Iona College.
Iona Old Girls' Association
This donation is charged over 3 years commencing at the start of Term 3 in Year 9. This entitles the student to become a life member of the Old Girls' Association once she has left the College and the full subscription has been paid.
Withdrawal Notice
Advice of notice of withdrawal from the College or discontinuance of co-curricular tuition is required in writing to the Principal one full term in advance of the effective date. One term’s Boarding fees are payable in lieu of one term’s notice being given.
© Copyright 2010 - 2018, Iona College | T +64 6 877 8149 | Email office@iona.school.nz
42 Lucknow Road, Havelock North 4130, | Private Bag 1000, Havelock North 4157, New Zealand